Tips on staying safe for homecoming and Halloween night

Felicia Dacosta

Along with the excitement that comes along with celebrating this weekend, be sure to follow the precautions to stay safe. The festivities at the end of the week will contribute to a hectic start to the weekend, making a bad situation able to arise quickly. So in order to be on your toes, here are a few tips on staying safe on homecoming and Halloween weekend.  

1. Have a buddy

Having someone by your side allows for extra safety and comfort while walking at night.

2. Have your phone charged

A fully charged phone is an essential resource to have. If you have to, bring along a portable charger for the night!

3. Know where you’re going

Nothing is worse than trekking around town aimlessly wandering. Have a plan of action before you start your night.  

4. Have a limit

Alcohol consumption is inevitable, so make sure you know your limit and stick to it. 

5. Be observant

Simply knowing exactly what’s going on around you will keep yourself in control in any situation. Be observant and watch others around you.