Parks Library: A study hub for ISU students
Jonathan Laczniak/Iowa State Daily
Parks Library.
August 17, 2015
With more than 3 million books to rent, a café and places to study for individuals and large groups, Parks Library has everything students need to finish assignments or study for exams.
Interim Dean Joyce Garnett said the library gives students access to more than 110,000 journal titles, almost 100,000 electronic journals, more than 1 million photographs and slides and more than 100 works of art.
If students need help with research, they can go to the circulation desk or contact a librarian through phone, e-mail or live chat using the ISU library website.
The library also contains study tables and carrels, computer labs, a quiet study place in the periodical room and group study rooms for student use.
Workers at the circulation desk help students find a group study room. Each room has integrated media — scape technology and white boards.
More than 250 computers with dual monitors are on all levels of the library. The computer labs also have printers, which students can use to print or scan. Use of the printers will be charged to the student’s U-bill.
A media center gives students access to media, microforms, maps, videos, DVDs, music, CDs and CD-ROMs and equipment for using these items. Students also can check out a laptop through the circulation desk.
Outlets and USB charging ports are available throughout the library, as is a KwikBoost Charge Station in the lobby, which has adapters for different devices.
The Bookends Café offers students coffee, tea, juices, soda and some food options.
Students can also borrow chess sets, tabletop or giant sets, from the circulation desk if they need an intellectual break from all their intellectual activity.