Need to know what’s happening

Hannah Hoolihan/Iowa State Daily

Columnist Snyder believes being informed about the you community you live in is an important part of life. 

Stephen Snyder

Being informed about your community is a critically important part of life no matter where you live, but it’s not always as easy as talking to your friends in the dorms or your classmates on campus. On a campus as large as Iowa State University, staying in the know requires a little extra effort to find the information you need, but a number of university publications make that search a whole lot easier. First of all, know where to get your news.

Check your student email, and do so consistently. We’re talking every single day. No important or official business gets done without an email being sent, so make sure to get in the habit of reading your emails, so your inbox doesn’t get backed up and out of control. Then be sure to like and follow Iowa State University pages on Facebook and Twitter and make sure your phone is registered to receive all campus alerts (this is of the utmost importance).

In a community of roughly 35,000 people, news is constant and inevitable, so take the time to read the Iowa State Daily, a paper entirely written, designed and funded through student efforts, to see what’s happening with Iowa State in regards to business, academics and student life for news on campus and in the Ames area and to keep in touch with the political world.

The Iowa State Daily is also your number one source of in-depth ISU athletics coverage ranging from clubs and intramurals all the way to the NCAA basketball tournaments and a great way to keep up with relevant social debates through the opinion page. The Daily’s niche sections help students stay up to date on entertainment coming to Ames as well as the best ways to stay healthy and look good while balancing classes, a social life and who knows what else. The Daily has been consistently recognized on both the regional and national levels for its journalistic excellence, so you’ll have few better options for staying up to date about the goings on around campus (especially since no one spends time fact checking Yik Yak posts).

The Daily can also be accessed through its own online site as well as Facebook and Twitter, and all three are updated on a daily basis. When living on a college campus, the worst thing you can do — other than skipping all of your classes — is let the happenings of your community pass you by, and the best way to stay up to date and become involved on campus is to know what is going on, so do your best to stay in the loop.