Treasure Island auditions struck gold

Haley Brase

Diving into the sea of the unknown seemed routine for the actors who auditioned for Treasure Island through ISU Theatre.

Students were required to prepare to read two monologues from the play and read a scene with director, Jane Cox, professor of ISU Theatre.

Trying to make an impression on Cox, a few actors became the role of a pirate and not just read lines off of a paper.

Nathaniel Han, senior in computer science, spoke in a husky, growly voice while hunched over to become an older pirate.

His actions stole Cox’s attention, so when they were reciting a scene together Cox forgot to read her part.

“You have great physicality,” Cox said when Han’s audition was over.

Han was nervous going into the audition because he wanted to recall as much of the memorized script as possible, but by the end of his audition, he thought it went well.

“I didn’t maybe retain as much as the memorization as I would’ve liked, but I mean, that will happen,” Han said. “She [Cox] seemed like she was responding to it and getting engaged.”

Han was recently in the musical Les Misérables, so he thought trying out for a play would be another good experience through ISU Theatre.

“I was interested in trying a play since I just did a musical and it’s been a while since I’ve done that amount of memorization, especially with material that I’m not already familiar with,” Han said.

“Treasure Island” is a play Han thought would help him improve as an actor.

“They’re going to be having people doubling characters and I thought that would be a really good exercise as an actor,” Han said. “If I’m going into performing arts that would be a good stretch.”

Han is thinking about adding performing arts as a major in addition to his computer science major.

Adding more experience to his acting career was Han’s goal while auditioning, but Emily Tigges, senior in performing arts, wanted to try out for her grandpa.

“It’s my grandpa’s favorite book and it’s probably the one and only time I’m going to get him to come see me perform,” Tigges said. “Also, it’s pirates so that’s fun.”

Tigges expressed her emotions vividly throughout her performance and was all smiles afterward.

“I think it went really well. I feel confident, but I guess the one thing is you never know exactly what they’re looking for so you just do what you can,” Tigges said.

Each actor may feel a twinge of nervousness when walking into an audition, but as Tigges puts it, Jane makes it easy because she’s so nice.

Treasure Island will perform the first weekend in October.