The famous get famous-er: Kylie Jenner starts singing career

by Shelby Kramer,


Shelby Kramer

Ooookkkayyy, here we go. The various members of the Kardashian-Jenner brood can’t seem to stay out of the spotlight. From modeling to television shows to clothing lines to fragrances to whatever else, the clan seems to have done anything and everything to amp up its fame. Or maybe not. The youngest of the family, Kylie Jenner, is breaching a new area: singing.

Okay, so maybe Kylie isn’t breaking totally new ground with this music thingy. Back in 2011 — you’re going to love this — Kim Kardashian released a tune called “Jam”, and it’s … well … pretty awful. Not to mention the music video features her and bunch of oil, and she’s just sort of wriggling around and touching herself through most of it.

Jim Farber, who writes for the Daily News, called the song a “dead-brained piece of generic dance music” and said that Kim is the “worst singer in the reality TV universe.” Ouch.

One can’t be too critical, though, because half of the proceeds of the sales went to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Okay, so now I feel a little bad for making fun of it. Just a little. It really was a terrible song.

Anyway, back on topic. The 17-year old Jenner is rumored to be working with big names Tyga and Iggy Azalea on a single.

The rap site Rap Dose claimed via Tweet: “Coming Soon: “Forever Real” by Kylie Jenner featuring Tyga & Iggy Azalea #WeCantMakeThisSh*tUp.” The Tweet was coupled with a picture featuring the song information and a scantily-clad, black-and-white Jenner leaning on a balcony railing. I’m not sure why everything with the women of the Kardashian-Jenner group needs to be sexualized, but here we go again. reports that this isn’t Jenner’s first time with a mucical mind. Awhile back, a source revealed that she indeed can sing, and she’s been writing her own songs.

At the same time InTouch talked to the source, Jenner was purportedly taking voice lessons from Tim Carter, a coach who is said to have worked with celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay Z.
