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Iowa State Daily


Iowa State Daily

Iowa State Daily



October 21, 2010


October 21, 2010


October 21, 2010
Frannie Fielder, daughter of Ray and Moni Fielder, and Eric Fulton, son of Dennis and Deb fulton, are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Fielder, of West Des Moines, is a senior in communication studies at Iowa State University. Fulton, of West Des Moines, is a senior in management information systems at Iowa State University. The couple will marry Jan. 29, 2011.


September 24, 2010
Jessica Chadwick, daughter of Dan Chadwich and Cheri Cook, and Justin Williams, son of Randy and Lisa Williams, are pleased to annouce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Chadwich, or Erie, Pa., is an associate pastor at First Baptist Church of Greater Des Moines. Willams, of Cedar Rapids, is a senior at Iowa State majoring in industrial technology and is currently employed at Triad Productions in Des Moines. The couple will be married May 20, 2011.


September 24, 2010
Alana mcNutt, daughter of Dr. James McNutt and Ms. Susan Brigham, and John Prickett, son of Drs. Tony and Sally Prickett, are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. McNutt, or Iowa City, is a senior at Iowa State University in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Prickett, of Glenwood, graduated with a dorctorate in veterinary microbiology from Iowa State University in December 2009 and is currently studying veterinary medicine at Iowa State University as a member of the class of 2014. The couple will marry Oct. 23.


September 24, 2010
Kathiah Schneekloth, daughter of Scott and Sharon Schneekloth, and Cody Usher, son of Brian and Betty Usher, are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Scheekloth is a junior in apparel, merchandising, design and production at Iowa State. Usher is in his final year at Des Moines Area Community COllege, majoring in technology. The couple will marry in the fall of 2012.


September 24, 2010
Kristin Tylka, daughter of Greg and Karen Tylka, and Brendan Babcock, son of Bruce and Alicia Babcock, are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Tylka, of Ames, is a sophomore at Iowa State University majoring in economics. Babcock, of Ames, is a senior at Iowa State University majoring in chemical engineering. He is presently employed by Iowa State University as a teaching assistant in the chemistry department. The couple is planning to marry in the summer of 2013 in Ames.


September 24, 2010
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