Iowa State goes bananas for bananas

banana pocket

Renae Meines

Within our campus community at Iowa State, there is a general understanding that is both amusing yet disturbing: ISU students. Love. Bananas.

I discovered my love for bananas after realizing that there was a perfectly shaped inner pocket in my backpack, perhaps created by God himself to gently cradle the yellow fruit without bruising.

And if I was to have a banana pocket, why shouldn’t anyone else? In the next few days, I discovered that other people were rocking bananas in their own ways.

Although the banana is a point of pride for many students, it remains a source of conflict and drama. Michelle H. writes in with her own bunch of bananas, claiming “I WOULD HAVE HAD ANOTHER BANANA IN THERE IF MY ROOMMATE DIDN’T EAT ONE WITHOUT ASKING ME.” 

It seems that the banana also proves to be frustrating for the less capable, with Gabby O. sending her banana in with the comment “Coming out of the UDCC. Full hands. Gotta improvise.” 

There is a greenhouse on the top of Bessey Hall that is home to Iowa’s largest banana crop. Could this be the subconscious reason ISU students are so addicted to them? 

The most scientific confirmation of the banana as Iowa State’s champion fruit is the existence of the Twitter account @ISUBananas. This account is a compilation of user-submitted banana photos, currently at 340 followers, but growing rapidly. Take a look at our favorite banana candids and be sure to submit your own.