In Case of Emergency

Saige Heyer

It’s always a good idea to have a plan to follow in case of emergency or know what to do if there isn’t a plan. Here are some things to keep in mind when making emergency plans.

The university asks you for people to contact in case something happens to you and it keeps that on file, but it is also a good idea to have these numbers on you or in your phone at all times. 

One way to do this is to have business cards with your emergency contacts’ information on them in your wallet. You can also put them in your phone and label them In Case of Emergency, ICE. 

Most students choose their parents or guardians as their emergency contacts, but it may also be a good idea to list a close friend or roommate, especially if your parents or guardians are far away.

In the event of a fire or severe weather, make sure you know where the fire extinguishers and alarms are and where to take shelter. If severe weather plans aren’t clearly outlined, ask your community adviser, hall director or landlord what the plan of action is. Also have a plan on where to meet up with your roommates or floor mates to make sure everyone is ok.

Any time you don’t feel safe, whether you’re in your building or out walking after dark, do not hesitate to call for help. Not only can you call a friend, you can also call the police or ISU Safety Escort. The ISU Help Van is also available to help if you are having car troubles.