Printing credits

Saige Heyer

Students are required to print things for class on many occasions and if they don’t have their own printers, they can print them off just about anywhere on campus — for a price. 

Printing on campus isn’t free. Students are generally given 500 printing credits through PaperCut every semester, which is part of their student technology fees. Once these credits run out, students can buy more through their U-Bill. Only a maximum of $50 can be charged to a student’s U-Bill per semester for printing. Each credit costs one cent.

Students have to be logged in to PaperCut to be able to print. While logged in, they can also view their balance or add more credits.

Different printers around campus cost a different amount of credits to print. Most printers will have signs above them saying how many credits it will take to print. For example, printing at Parks Library may cost more than printing at one of the many computer labs on campus, so check out different places. Keep in mind that printing in color will cost more credits than printing in black and white, so if color isn’t required, print in grayscale.