Outstanding services recognized at Memorial Union award ceremony

Richard Martinez/Iowa State Daily

Nick Morton, senior in environmental science, receives the Four Seasons award which recognizes outstanding service by student leaders who have contributed in efforts the Memorial Union provides to the community. Morton has served as co-chairman for the 2014 Veishea committee, an admissions representative to the university and a study abroad office student employee.

Katharina Gruenewald

The Memorial Union Awards committee on Friday, April 25, recognized the contributions of individuals who have given their time and resources to make the Iowa State Memorial Union a great place.

“This is a wonderful occasion,” said Richard Reynolds, director of the Memorial Union. “It is a little bit like old home week.”

Reynolds said that the gathering was a homecoming of sorts with older employees in attendance. 

The event began by honoring and recognizing staff members’ years of service to the Memorial Union. The recipients of the awards have been working for the Memorial Union for 30 to 35 years.

The Memorial Union Board of Directors Certificate of Service recognized the members of the board who have completed their service. Four of the recipients were students.

“The thing that makes the board work well, is that it is students who are involved,” said Robert Bosselman, chairman of the Memorial Union board of directors. ”They make some great suggestions.”

The M.J. Riggs Award was given out to Dr. Rhonda Scott. The M.J. Riggs award recognizes individuals or organizations whose contributions have had an impact upon a specific area of the Memorial Union. Scott has been a work space instructor since 2009 and overall advocate of the Workspace.

“Rhonda creates an experience that includes learning that goes deeper and helps the community that forms the Workspace.” said Sophia Magill, member of the Memorial Union board of directors.

Nick Morton, senior in environmental science, was honored with the Four Seasons Award. The award recognizes students, faculty, staff and community members who have gone above and beyond their formal commitments to the Memorial Union to help the Union achieve its goals or levels of distinguished prominence in the community.

For his impressive list of accomplishments and demonstrations of commitment to Iowa State and the Memorial Union in particular, Morton received the award that has been named after the Fountain of the Four Seasons north of the Memorial Union.

Reynolds described Morton as an outstanding person.

The ceremony concluded with the unveiling of the portrait of Harry “Bruce” Hudson, the third director of the Memorial Union, who had passed away in February 2014.

“Bruce loved the Union,” said Marian Hudson, Hudson’s wife. “A lot of building was done during his time, and he very much enjoyed the students.”

The portrait has been donated to the Memorial Union by the family of Bruce Hudson.

“Bruce was a strong leader, a fair person, a compassionate person and a family person,” Reynolds said.

Reynolds said the portrait captures the essence of Harry Hudson. Marian Hudson had the portrait painted by the same artists who had done the portraits of the first and second director of the Memorial Union.

The portrait of Hudson will be hung together with the other portraits in the Memorial Union, said Reynolds.