Johnson: Promotion of Science

Matt Johnson

In Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States, it states very clearly that the United States Congress shall “promote the progress of science.” As a part of congress’ constitutional mandate set forth by the founders, it must endeavor to develop the knowledge and application of science for the benefit of all Americans. But this constitutional pursuit is becoming insignificant and as time progresses forward, the incoherent rhetoric of the congressional house and its understanding of science in general is becoming negligently aligned, which does not bode well for scientific discovery or subsequent technological benefits.

In 1958, the United States government passed one of the most important acts in American history, the National Aeronautics and Space act of 1958, which led to the formation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Since then, NASA has been responsible for some of the most important useful day to day applications such as long distance communication, solar energy, smoke detectors, cordless tools, water filters, and LED’s (light emitting diodes), just to name a few. NASA has also been responsible for creating millions of jobs, for which 2 million jobs alone were created in support of the Mercury program in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.

From this one act of congress in the late 1950’s, NASA was given the financial capability, vision and courage to put Americans into space, which led to putting Americans on the moon by the end of the 1960’s, and an international space station to work from and in unity with other nations. Because of this, the American economy, the American public and American health in general has benefitted greatly from congressional action and leadership. Consequently, America was the beacon of human ingenuity and fortitude for decades. Yes, America has accomplished some of the most remarkable achievements in human history.  But as we progress into the middle part of the 21st Century, the late 20th century and American scientific discovery and triumph is becoming a distant memory.

According to the Guardian, a well-respected British media outlet, NASA is projected to spend just 0.49 percent, or roughly $17 billion of the 2014 annual Government budget of roughly $4 trillion. To put this into perspective, the Republican led house, and its 2014 budget plan, projected $600 billion  for defense and $860 billion for social security. To be fair, the Senate democrats in their 2014 budget proposal are recommending about the same thing, plus or minus a few billion dollars, according to the Washington Post. (Do you agree with the spending?? KT)

Besides the lack of desire to fund space exploration and American audaciousness, congress has shown a lack of leadership on this matter. In recent days, National Geographic reported on a possible American mission to fly by Mars in 2021, but since the mothballing of the American Shuttle fleet, the lack of transportation to and from low earth orbit for American astronauts (besides paying the Russian government for a lift), and the questionable time table for President Obama’s Orion program, there does not seem to be any real definitive plan of action or direction by congress. To add to the clutter of confusion and lack of desire, during the 2012 Republican primaries for the presidential nomination, and in a moment of grandiose, Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the house, suggested that he would be interested in putting a colony on the moon by the end of his second term. In response, or lack thereof, not one person in the republican house majority or the democratic house minority supported Mr. Gingrich’s vision of American audaciousness. Instead, he was ridiculed by his opponent former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and subsequent media.  

NASA is just one example of congress’ imperative mission to “promote the progress of science,” although there are other not so flashy examples of successful scientific policy in the United States. Furthermore, it is a fact that many of the founders were individuals of the enlightenment, so the endeavor of science is only a natural progression of that era and thought to today’s modern America and her scientific accomplishments. But as the earth continues to move (orbit) around our parent star in the middle of our solar system, so does scientific discovery and future potential benefits. It is imperative that congress understands constitutional prudence, especially constitutional prudence with respect to the scientific endeavor, because if congressional leaders continue on this path of indecisiveness, Article I, Section 8 of the United States constitution will become a sad reminder America’s once grandiose past.