Caytlin Hentzel wants GSB Judiciary to be more visible

Katie Herr/Iowa State Daily

Caytlin Hentzel is the new chief justice for GSB. She said she wants to expand her branch’s visibility to students on campus. Her major is event management, but her newly discovered passion for law is driving her to switch gears.

Brian Voss

The new chief justice for the Government of the Student Body hopes to create more visibility between the Judicial Branch and students.

“I definitely plan on trying to put things into play so people know we’re here,” said Caytlin Hentzel, GSB’s new chief justice and senior in event management.

She said one of her goals for the Supreme Court is to be more visible to the campus as a tool that they can make use of.

In the past, she said, university administration has often handled disputes between students and student groups. She feels that is an area where the Supreme Court can play a role.

“Normally how that role has been carried out was through the administration. And so when students had an issue they would contact the administration, which is under the Student Union Board,” Hentzel said. “And even though there is that application online that individuals can fill out, they’re not aware that that’s there.”

The court’s first meeting is Tuesday. Hentzel said she wants to use the meeting as an opportunity to make sure the court is on the same page.

“We don’t want any toes to be stepped on, anything that needs to be done we need to make sure we are doing it the right way,” Hentzel said.

Hentzel also said that when a student is in front of the school regarding a disciplinary action, one of the seats on that board can be filled by a student on the GSB Supreme Court.

GSB President Spencer Hughes nominated Hentzel based on a recommendation from former Chief Justice Ryan Peterson, who currently acts as an associate justice with the court.

Vice Speaker of the Senate Barry Snell vouched for Hentzel at the GSB meeting on Sept. 25.

“I’ve known Caytlin for some time, and every once in a while I get really excited to see somebody come here and become one of us, and this is one of those times,” Snell said. “Caytlin is one of the sharpest people I know in the political science department, and we should all be very excited that her talents are coming here.”

Hentzel was unanimously confirmed as chief justice by the GSB Senate at its Sept. 25 meeting.

Hentzel said that her academic major in event management will be an asset as chief justice. She also has a minor in political science.

“My major is event management, so I do of course have that background with being able to organize meetings, organize groups of people towards a common purpose,” Hentzel said.

Hentzel said her interest in law first came as a student at Iowa State taking Political Science 319 and 320 from Kathleen Waggoner.

“What was addressed in class with the area of law, and the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth amendments and different violations, I feel in love,” Hentzel said. “I really found myself, that interest was sparked, and I found that passion and that made me now want to change my career more towards law.”

Hentzel encourages students to get involved and to bring issues up to GSB senators when they find problems on campus.