Game review: Bioshock Ininite PRINT

Devin Pacini

I was expecting a lot from Bioshock Infinite but I don’t think that I could have anticipated what it is.

Bioshock Infinite takes you into the sky to Columbia. You play as a man, Dewitt, trying to save Elizabeth from Columbia but unlike the previous Bioshock, the lead male protagonist has at least a vague notion about what he’s getting himself into this time.

Elizabeth, the lead female protagonist, doesn’t just play the role of “person in need of rescue” either. Wanting to escape, she readily assists, you being a helpful and strong ally throughout the game.

They add some nice new things like being able to ride the sky rails with your Sky-Hook which is really fun and adds a lot to the game. However, I also really like the clothing they added to the game. Clothing gives you effects and being able to pick what set works for how you play can help you a lot throughout the game. However, enemies seem to only differentiate a little throughout.

It’s true that different enemies are seen, but their types really only range from either being weak or incredibly tough. It’s kind of disappointing and it’s nice to see more middle-ground enemies throughout the game that made me really feel like I always need some tactical advantage.

Any complaints I do have, though, just add up to nitpicking. The game is a lot of fun, and you don’t have to have played any previous games in the series to know what’s going on in this one.

5/5 stars