Local mobile app hopes to connect businesses and customers

Alexander Furman

The vision was simple: make it easier to find deals around your local area. The founders of the mobile app Shoplr (short for Shopping Doppler) set out last year to do just that.

Shoplr is designed to bridge the gap between local businesses and customers.

“People are very receptive to want to shop and look local, but people don’t have the info at their fingertips, and we think we can bring that,” said Sam Schill, one of the three co-founders of the platform.

The first version of this free app has been available for ten months now, with a new version on the way in early September. There will be a launch party held for users and businesses all over Ames in late August, with the intent to increase public awareness and make new connections. The party is free and plans on having live music.

The goal with the newest version of the app is to focus on the users, said co-founder Nathan Haila.

“Now, we’re really coming out with our brand and giving it to the users,”  Haila said. “We’re right now entering into development, a whole new version of Shoplr, an evolution and expansion of the app. Right now you basically get everything; the new platform will make it more customizable.”

These “customizable” features will help the user to cut down the clutter of all the business deals — the initial version of the app shows all local merchants and their deals.

The Shoplr creators are solely focused on making this app reach its full potential. While all three proprietors have full-time jobs, they stated with excitement Shoplr is a 90-percent gig in their spare time. They have aspirations of reaching out to the student body of Iowa State and also moving to find new businesses in Des Moines.

Their strategy for getting their product out to students is already in the works, talking to student organizations and having advocates spreading the word.

“We’re going to do some events, having a ton of in-store promos and things students can visually see,” Schill said. “We’ve had students in the past who’ve helped us in the past to help spread the word.”

In hope of expanding to Des Moines, they are now pursuing large organizations that have multiple businesses working together.