Iowa State committee begins planning to set student fees
June 12, 2012
A committee of both administrative and student leaders scheduled future meetings to construct a recommendation for student fees for the 2014 fiscal year.
Iowa State’s special student fee and tuition committee had an organizational meeting on Tuesday in Beardshear Hall.
Four students and five campus administrators attended the meeting and planned three meetings to hear from CyRide, recreation services, intercollegiate athletics, information technology, student health services and Government of the Student Body.
The participants were: Vice President for Business and Finance Warren Madden, Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Hill, Chief of Staff Miles Lackey, Associate Vice President of Budget and Planning Ellen Rasmussen, GSB President Jared Knight, GSB Senator and Iowa State Daily Assistant Opinion Editor Barry Snell, GSB Finance Director Arjay Van-der-velden and President of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate Cory Kleinheksel.
The committee creates a recommendation for future student fees based off of the presentations given from these organizations that work to meet student needs. This recommendation, which will be made by mid-September will be presented to President Steven Leath and if approved, will then move to the Board of Regents.
“We’ve not had a recommendation not get approved by the president or Regents, so we have a pretty good track record,” Madden said.
The committee did not officially decide which organizations will speak at each upcoming meeting.
The future meetings have so far been scheduled for 4 p.m. on June 27, 3 p.m. on July 10 and 3 p.m. on July 24.