Student Volunteer Services sponsors Feed the Need

Hayley Lindly

Students from Iowa State University unite in hopes of eliminating hunger in the Ames community by donating to Feed the Need.

Spring is a time of need for food pantries, which is why the event is being held this week.

“Food donations are very popular during the holidays because people are in a giving mood. This is the time where food banks are getting low,” Said Sara Kinderknecht, a sophomore in apparel, merchandising, and design, the special projects chair for Student Volunteer Services.

Feed the Need is an annual event sponsored by the Student Volunteer Services. The proceeds are evenly donated to Mid-Iowa Community Action (MICA) and Students Helping Our Peers (SHOP). 

SHOP is a food pantry located in room 2616 of the Food Science building. Donations are given to those who need financial assistance. They don’t ask questions when people come in to donate, they give to everyone who comes in. The only condition is that you have to be an Iowa State University student to receive the donations.

“Whatever we receive we want to keep it in the Iowa State Community,” said Hailey Boudreau, a junior in dietetics, the president of SHOP.

SHOP is happy do receive any donations; however their request list usually includes hygiene items and shelf safe milk.

“We can’t be picky but we like healthy items to come in like canned meat and low sodium foods,” said Boudreau

Food insecure homes exist all over the Story County community. MICA is a non-profit company that focuses on assisting low-income families.

“Recently, we have seen a great deal of focus on ‘hidden hunger.’  Individuals that earn too much for SNAP benefits (food stamps), or receive minimal SNAP assistance, but who continue to struggle to meet their nutritional needs.  In the present economy, this includes families that typically would not have utilized MICA’s food pantry,” said Tony Grego, the Story County Family Development director.

MICA relies on events such as Feed the Need this Time of year.

Grego explained how this event will help Story County families suffering from hunger. “ Schools will be letting out soon and once the families no longer have the free and reduced lunch program to rely upon, they will really be hurting.  Feed the Need comes at a crucial time of the year and for that we are truly grateful.”

Feed the Need will be held from now until April 12th. Nonperishable items may be donated to the drop boxes located in Beardshear Hall, Carver Hall, Kildee Hall, Parks Library, LeBaron Hall, the Memorial Union, Reiman Gardens.