Candidate Profile: Rick Santorum

David Bartholomew

Rick Santorum


Life begins at conception. That means that abortion should not be an option even in instances of rape and incest. That child did nothing wrong and it is inhumane to punish such an innocent human life.


The current state of education is not serving its customers: the parents. Parents are told to rely upon public schools to properly educate their children and this is simply wrong. Freedom of school choice is something that should be allowed for everyone of all classes.

Gay marriage

Marriage is a union of one man and one woman. This is why it is necessary for the United States to have a federal marriage amendment added to the Constitution. This will stop courts from redefining what has always been traditional marriage in this country.

Health care

We need to repeal President Obama’s health care plan. Private sector insurance is a system that works and needs only to be expanded because a one-size-fits-all federal health care program cannot and will not work.


Immigration is an important part of the life blood of this country, but we have a problem of an insecure border. We need to build more fences and use personnel and technology to assist in maintaining them, as well as establishing English as the official language of the United States.

Military/Foreign policy

We cannot back down from those who wish to destroy America. We are not fighting a War on Terror, we are fighting a War on Radical Islam and we have to be honest about that. This is why we need to maintain a strong military in the face of threats like Iran, Syria and others and preserve the greatness that is American exceptionalism.


Americans ought to keep as much of their hard-earned dollars as possible. The Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 were necessary to keep the burden off of small businesses and create jobs and that is something we need to continue. Additionally, we need to reform the broken entitlement system that are the main drivers of debt today in order to save our country for future generations.

*This information came from either the candidate’s website or a statement made in a GOP debate.