Letter to the editor: Caucusing Iowans should give Palin a chance

Andy Sandoval

Dear Iowan GOP caucus,

Sarah Palin announced she would not be seeking the GOP nomination in 2012 for the presidency. At this point in the primary season, when the filing dates for candidacy for 2012 have all but passed, is it a useless endeavor to talk about or even consider a write-in/draft candidate in your caucus or primary? The short answer is no and the short explanation is: brokered convention.

By definition, a brokered convention is a “situation in the presidential primary and caucus process where there are not enough delegates obtained for a single candidate to obtain a majority for the presidential nominating convention. Since no candidates receive enough votes on the first ballot to win the nomination, the convention is brokered through political horse-trading and multiple ballots.” A write-in/draft campaign worked for Dwight Eisenhower in 1952; it could work again in 2012.

Why should we be forced to settle for what the media and the RNC has chosen for us, aka Karl Rove et al. Your caucus is set up wonderfully for this, being the first, and many times sets the tone for the rest. For the sake of the nation, please write her in. She was the one who brought to the national eye crony capitalism in her Indianola, Iowa, speech on Sept. 3, and the dialog hasn’t been the same since. She is the fixer. There are many of us who are engaged in the write-in campaign to draft Sarah as people did with Ike. Join us!

It is better to take a once-in-a-lifetime chance for “sudden and relentless reform” than settle for the status quo, which is destroying our nation.

God bless America.