Letter: Parking situation differs with campus

I went to Iowa state my freshman and sophomore years of college. Sadly I had to return to my home state thanks to the economy, but I still keep up with the Iowa State Daily. After reading this article, I have to say I can’t agree more. The parking division sure does a wonderful job of “welcoming” students to the ways of campus life.

I remember in 2009 Iowa had a huge snowstorm and classes were cancelled for the day. My car had been parked in a one time 24 hour zone and was supposed to be moved, but thanks to the 8ft snow drifts around Friley I couldn’t get to my car.. Or anywhere.

The next day, sure as sunshine, my car had a boot and tickets. Apparently “campus closed” does not include the parking division. I thought to myself, next time I’ll make it my priority to move my car in the middle of a blizzard.

Now, at my new university, the parking situation is a little different. More strictly enforced rules but also plenty of payment options. We can select Pre pay and determine how many hours for a car stall, or pay when we return (as long as it’s within 12 hours). We also have a pay by text which is an incredible feature. I’d have to say my entire junior and senior year… NOT A SINGLE ticket!

Parking division, maybe use all of that cash flow to pay for clearer signs and heated concrete for the parking lots? That way all of us “violators” know where and where not to park in the lovely Iowa winters!