E-week schedule has ‘something for everyone’

Engineers’ Week, popularly known as E-Week, has been a long-standing tradition at Iowa State.

Every year there are a large variety of activities planned for E-Week, ranging from the kick-off lunch on Tuesday to lectures and classes throughout the week to help students prepare for the final event: the engineering career fair.

This year, the kick-off is a brand new event to try to get more students involved in the activities. It features a dunk tank for professors, music and a wing-eating contest (which students can sign up for on the E-Week website).

Another slight change to the traditional layout of E-Week is the Charity Ball, a dance previously called the E-Ball, which has been renamed in order to help people remember its purpose as a fundraiser for the Minds of Tomorrow grant.

Minds of Tomorrow is a program that centers around enhancing science, technology, engineering and math programs in K-12 schools.  The typical awards are as much as $5,000.

There are fun events scheduled for the ball, such as dance lessons and raffle drawings — the grand prize being a Kindle. Tickets are available for $10.

Not only are there events like the kick-off and the Charity Ball, but there are seminars to help prepare students for the career fair on Sept. 27. Topics for these seminars include resume writing, interviewing, transitioning, career management services and “cheating at the career fair.”

Attending the career fair gives students a chance to use the knowledge they gain at the seminars. Going to the career fair is a way for students to expose themselves to many of the prospective jobs in the engineering field and possibly look for internships or summer jobs.

E-Week is organized by a student-run committee. One of the general co-chairwomen is Anna Grimley, junior in electrical engineering.

Grimley hopes the event will be successful in getting people excited for the upcoming activities.  She also encourages students to participate in everything they can.

“We really have something for everyone,” she said.

Go to www.engineering.iastate.edu/eweek for more information about E-Week and the events.