Fitness challenge: Chelsea Davis, week 1
February 2, 2011
A week has passed since the newsroom jumped into our running shoes and sweats, blasting away calories at the gym.
I, however, am lacking motivation. Today, of course, is because of my overall health. I came down with something in the past 24 hours that has tied me to my bed and my Kleenex box.
I’m not sure what my excuse is for the other days. Considering this is my last semester at Iowa State, it seems as if everything is piling on top of me at once and I’m finding it hard to organize myself and pull through.
Sunday, though, got me really pumped up for the semester. I spent four and a half hours in Forker learning new choreography for Dub H, the ISU Hip Hop Dance Club. Everyone should prepare themselves for some serious booty shakin’ Saturday, April 23.
In the meantime, I’m going to try to blast this sickness away with soup, orange juice and NyQuil and get back on track … or, rather, the track.