Fitness Challenge: Gabriel Stoffa, introduction

Gabriel Stoffa

Gabriel Stoffa, Copy Chief:

I am fairly healthy, but out of shape and with a bit of a gut/love handles.

Goal: I will look better than I did in high school: six-pack, larger arms/chest.

I like to drink, and when I get wasted, I like to eat lots of carbs: boxes of pasta with entire bottles of parmesan or plates of rice with random toppings or entire pizzas. I also tend to eat large meals right before bed because it helps me go to sleep easier; I know it is just making me fat. I also play poker and work at a computer for work most of the week, so I cannot really get random extra exercise throughout the day.

I’m going to try that P90X thing, and then when I realize I have gotten too lazy, I’ll try to do bits and pieces and hopefully still end up spending a couple hours a day in the gym.