Commenting makes its return

Brian Smith

It’s finally here. After months of changes and delays commenting has returned to

There are some important changes that you need to know about before you can begin commenting.

The first is that everyone will need to create a new account. The Daily’s accounts database was wiped clean to allow it to start fresh with the new system.

A key reason behind having the database wiped is because the option of commenting anonymously on our website was removed. It was a long decision, but we felt it would be the best option to keep comments civil and productive. It’s something that is being done elsewhere, including with comments on The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu’s columns.

To assist us in removing anoymous commenters, we are asking that you either register on our website with your Facebook account or provide us with a phone number that we call you at. Please note that the phone option will not be immediate and could take a few days for your account to be created.

In addition to the return of comments, we are also relaunching our community calendar. Our staff will be adding events to the calendar over winter break, but we encourage you to submit events as well.

We look forward to conversing with you on our website. Look for Daily staff members to be joining the online conversations when the new semester begins.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new system, please leave me a comment on this blog post — I’ve been waiting to write that all semester! — or e-mail me at