Letter: Premature death is not the end for Christians
December 7, 2010
In response to Tom C. Walker’s letter:
As a Christian I believe that I am fully encased in God’s love and protection. But this protection is not something I would consider physical protection, but rather spiritual protection.
When entering into the saving grace of my God, you give up the plan that you have set for your life and replace it with an eternal plan set up by Him. This plan may even include premature death, which is only sad in earthly, time-dependent terms.
When Tom Walker talks about the death of Jonathan Brown, he can only think of the life that was cut short here on Earth. What he fails to recognize is that Jonathan now is receiving his reward for faithfully following his God. This reward is an eternal life with a new body, and this reward is what all Christians strive to receive through living a God-pleasing life.
Premature deaths are not the end for Christians, but only the beginning. We don’t Rest In Peace, we Rejoice In Paradise.