Psychology professor to discuss different human mating strategies

David M. Buss is a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and a pioneer in the field of evolutionary psychology.
April 9, 2019
David Buss, professor of psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, will be discussing his research regarding evolutionary psychology in his lecture Wednesday night.
Buss’ lecture, “Human Mating Strategies,” will take place Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.
Buss is known for his work researching topics related to how human sexes differ in selecting mates and has written a variety of books related to these subjects, according to the Lectures Program website.
Additionally, Buss wrote Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, which is the first textbook of it’s kind in the field, according to the Lectures Program website.
According to the Lectures Program website, Buss was an assistant professor at Harvard for four years before teaching for 11 years at the University of Michigan. Buss also earned his doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley.
“Human Mating Strategies” is the Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference Keynote.
Buss’ lecture is cosponsored by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate and the Committee on Lectures, which is funded by Student Government.