Meet the candidate: Mike Huckabee

Sarah Thiele


Mike Huckabee was born Aug. 24, 1955, in Hope, Ark.


Huckabee received his B.A. from Ouachita Baptist University in 1975. He received his M.A. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1980.

Pre-Congressional career

Huckabee was a Baptist minister from 1980 to 1992. He was the president of Cambridge Communications from 1992 to 1996. Huckabee was also a former chairman for the National Governor’s Association and the Education Commission of the States. He also served as president of the Council of State Governments, state co-chairman of the Delta Regional Authority and chairman of the Southern Governors Association, the Southern Regional Education Board, the Southern Growth Policies Board, the Southern Technology Council, the Southern International and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

Congressional career

Huckabee was Arkansas Lt. Governor from 1993 to 1996 and Arkansas Governor from 1996-2007. As governor, he signed legislation creating ARKids First, a program that provided health insurance to more than 70,000 children. Huckabee also established a Property Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.

Declared candidacy

Huckabee declared his presidential candidacy on Jan. 28, 2007.

Family life

Huckabee and his wife Janet Huckabee have been married for 33 years. They have two sons and one daughter.

