I am more than the shy girl

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Kelsey Culbertson

I came to Iowa State a very apathetic person. I didn’t really care what my major was or what I was involved in. It look me about two years to finally find my place and realize what I had been missing out on. I decided to join Student Government on a whim, and for a while I was pretty quiet. But the people in Student Government helped me come out of my shell and become a more open person.

I do what I do because I have always believed that I had a duty to help others. Whether it’s giving advice to a friend or organizing events, I always want to do everything I can to help those around me. I love making people smile and going out of my way to improve someone days.

I am involved in Student Government because it gives me a platform to help as many students as possible. It allows me to reach out to areas of campus I might not normally think to visit, and interact with administrators on new projects. Although there are times when it can be frustrating, it’s worth it when we get to help student organizations accomplish initiatives and positively impact large number of cyclones.

I lead with an open mind and kindness first. I try to keep in mind that everyone has their own biases, preferences, and experiences. My approach is unique because I purposefully work to ensure that my personal opinions affect my decisions as little as possible. My personal beliefs will of course at times influence my decisions, but I keep them in mind and go into meetings ready to listen.

What drives me to overcome obstacles is knowing that the people I work with and the students I work for need me to. If I let my obstacles trip me up too much it will prevent me from moving forward. It prevents me from communicating effectively and serving as a leader. Knowing that others depend on me to work to the best of my ability helps me push through whatever difficulties I might be dealing with.

I want my legacy to be the things that I leave behind that made this campus better.

I want it to be the Out of the Darkness Walk, the Farmer’s Market, the Student Care and Wellness Fund.

I want the things that I’ve done to benefit students to be what I leave behind and what is remembered. Name recognition has never mattered to me. What’s most important is that I have created something that will continue to benefit students now and in the future.

Inclusivity to me looks like ensuring everyone feels welcome and comfortable. I think to be inclusive it is important to recognize that everyone has had different experiences. I think it is important to make efforts to include everyone in conversations, meetings, and events.

Inclusivity can always be improved and is something that should constantly be strived for on a regular basis.

[My advice for new leader is to] be brave. Every leader at some point faces a tough choice, questions their abilities, or even reconsider why they’re doing what they’re doing.

In those moments, it’s important to confide in those you trust, and do what you believe is right. When you have to make an unpopular decision, know you are not alone because there are tons of other people out there who had to make those difficult choices with you.

I am more than the shy girl.