GSB denies funding for Campus Crusade for Christ

Joe Augustin

The Government of the Student Body denied a bill to help fund a Campus Crusade for Christ trip to help Gulf Coast victims move back into currently unlivable homes.

The senate denied a bill by a vote of 23 to 9 for more than $2,100 to help with travel costs for the group.

Michael Church, sophomore in political science, represented Campus Crusade and addressed the senate regarding the trip.

Church said the trip will last from Nov. 19 to 23. Currently 23 students have made the commitment to travel to Pass Christian, Miss., with the intention of working with municipal authorities there to fix up damaged homes to the point where they will be livable again.

Most of the senators who commented were not in favor of funding traveling costs because of past denials to groups who sought similar funding.

“I really find myself at a conflict because I do want to fund this, but I’m torn because we have denied groups like Habitat for Humanity,” said Lorin Neuman-Lee, off-campus senator and senior in biology.

Church responded by saying that this is different than an organization like Habitat for Humanity, because it is a one-time trip instead of a continual effort like that of Habitat.

The senate denied the bill, but urged Campus Crusade to seek funding by setting up donation stands, similar to what GSB did for its Hurricane Katrina efforts in which approximately $27,000 was raised.

Although the majority did say no to the bill, some of the senators voted reluctantly. After the bill was denied, a hat was passed around and senators donated money out of their own pockets.

The senate was also debating a bill which sets financial priorities for the 2006-07 fiscal year, but it took place past publication deadline.