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‘Captain Marvel’ fails to fly “higher, further, faster”
Captain Marvel
March 7, 2019
Directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s “Captain Marvel” was one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year, making the flat film we got an even bigger disappointment.
“Captain Marvel” follows Vers, a Kree soldier fighting against the Skrulls, a shape-shifting alien race. If you didn’t know this information going into the movie, it makes for a very confusing first thirty or so minutes. Despite seeing every movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) since 2008, I still did not have enough context for this movie to follow along.
The vast amount of initially unexplained races of aliens and who is fighting which side of their war causes a difficult viewing.
The story and plot twists are meant to be revealed to the audience at the same time as they’re being revealed to Vers, but this does not work in favor of “Captain Marvel’s” plot.
The confusion brought on by the information dump given to the audience in the first act of this film, combined with its awkward pacing and dialogue makes for a borderline uncomfortable experience.
In light of all its flaws, “Captain Marvel” does have some silver linings. One of these being the soundtrack.
With the movie taking place in 1995, there are some great throwback songs that are nostalgic for anyone. Some of these songs include Garbage’s “Only Happy When it Rains,” Nirvana’s “Come As You Are,” and Elastica’s “Connection.”
Additional highlights are the return on Samuel L. Jackson in his role as Nick Fury and Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson. While “old” and familiar characters, they were able to add some comedic relief to the over-acted performances of Brie Larson and Jude Law.
“Captain Marvel” sports a vast amount of distracting continuity errors that appear all throughout the film. None of them affect the plot in overly-dramatic ways, but they do break immersion with how distracting they are to fans of the MCU.
Additionally, there are some action sequences as well as some characters that we are supposed to take seriously, but we just can’t. Awkward pacing of the characters’ relationships makes it hard to care enough about the characters to feel for them during what is painfully obvious to be “touching” moments.
All this brings “Captain Marvel” to be one of the most significant let downs in movies so far in 2019 and from Marvel Studios over all.