15:Minutes with Andrew Lindberg

Alex Switzer

The Salt Company, one of the largest college ministries at Iowa State, based out of the Cornerstone Church, 56829 Highway 30, leads campus events and biblical studies accommodating sometimes more than 900 students in one sitting. Without a doubt, a ministry so large needs the help of coordinators and motivated student leaders to hold such a large service together.

This is where Andrew Lindberg, The Salt Company’s current Ministry Coordinator, makes his entrance. Standing around 6-feet-tall with a thin stature and warm attitude, the junior in management offers an enthusiastic outlook into Christian life – and his own.

A day in the life of…/p>

I usually get up and get ready for the day; I spend some time in the morning in prayer – take some devotional time. Then I have a normal class schedule and do some homework in the afternoon. Afterward, on a night I’m leading a Bible study, I’ll review some text and go over some commentaries. A lot of what my position is; I will call and organize things such as when we had that kick off at the Campanile; we have a lot of people who set up and tear down because we have a lot of sound equipment, so I get people motivated and organized to do that.

A true “Salt” company

One mother caught up with the director one time and said, “What kind of organization are you running? I’m appalled that you’re promoting campus violence.” And the director asked what she was talking about, and she said “with a name like the ‘Assault Company,’ it can’t be good.”

But what about pepper?

Ah, yes, I am a pepper fan as well.

Salt ‘N Pepa and other wholesome music

Didn’t they do that song “Who Da Man” or “Whatta Man” or something, but I don’t listen to them on a regular basis.

I do listen to a lot of contemporary Christian music; I like Switchfoot a lot and another one, the David Crowder Band, they’re pretty solid. And another one, Sean McDonald, but I like any sort of good music with a positive message.

A “Passion” for films

I do like war movies – “Black Hawk Down” is probably one of my favorite movies and others like “Saving Private Ryan”… I like them not for the violence but for the hope and to see the camaraderie between people overcoming incredibly difficult situations. I think they’re well-made movies, too – I don’t just watch them for the blood and gore.

The perfect woman

I am taken right now and I am very happy about that. I like to be funny and joke around so my perfect woman needs to have a sense of humor – I can do some pretty dorky things sometimes. One of the first dates I had with this girl, we had been together for a long time – it was probably about three years ago – we were out walking around and we were going down this steep hill so I thought I could be cool and jog down this hill.

Well, I ended up tripping and just biffing it all the way down this hill and it was actually pretty long.

At the golden gates…

If I were to go up to heaven right now and see St. Peter at the gates, probably the first thing I would say to him is, “Race you to the top!”