Students, faculty will rally together against hate in response to graffiti

Eric Lund

A rally is scheduled to be held Tuesday in response to the hate graffiti found around campus early last week.

Organizers said they scheduled the rally, beginning at noon in front of Parks Library, to emphasize that the homophobic graffiti is a minority viewpoint with no place in the ISU community.

“It is important for the ISU community to create a community of acceptance,” said organizer Marcia Purdy, a secretary at the Sloss House and graduate student in educational leadership and policy studies.

“It is important for the ISU community to create a community of acceptance. This rally is a visible way to demonstrate our solidarity against hate.”

Marcia Purdy, secretary at the Sloss House

“The rally is a visible way to demonstrate our solidarity against hate.”

Organizer Warren Blumenfeld, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, said the rally could give participants a voice to say that the graffiti is “totally unacceptable.”

In a letter to the Daily, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy condemned the graffiti, calling it “bigoted and hate-filled.”

“I condemn the actions of these vandals in the strongest possible terms,” Geoffroy wrote. “The ISU Department of Public Safety is aggressively investigating the incidents.”

Geoffroy said the ISU community would not allow the graffiti to deter its “continuing efforts to embrace diversity” and instead would only “strengthen our resolve.”

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services Coordinator John Faughn said several speakers are planned for the rally, including himself, Blumenfeld, Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Hill, GSB Towers Residence Association Senator Ryan Doll and Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Services Specialist Ginger Cade.

He said anyone who is interested would also be given a chance to speak.

“Really, it’s an open mike for anyone,” Faughn said.

He said there is no estimate on the number of attendees for the event. The rally is being organized by Faughn, Purdy and Blumenfeld.