Human Sciences dean to be selected by July 1

Eric Lund

The new College of Human Sciences is expected to have a dean by July 1.

The Office of the Provost is examining a final report on the four candidates, which was prepared by a search committee headed by College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Michael Whiteford.

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy has the final say on the decision.

Whiteford said the dean should be on campus by the beginning of fall semester.

Details of the report, which lists the pros and cons of each candidate, have not been released, although Whiteford said all four candidates were qualified.

“We were not asked to rank them, nor would it be appropriate to do that, rather than provide considerable detail,” Whiteford said.

He said the report used feedback garnered from open forums, evaluations and public presentations on the candidates.

“Usually what happens is that as the process evolves and unfolds things become more specific,” said Vice Provost James Bloedel, explaining why July 1 falls weeks after past information suggested a dean would already be selected.

The four candidates are Pamela White, interim dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Marlene Strathe, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs for Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Cheryl Achterberg, founding dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State University, and Jeffrey McCubbin, an associate dean in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State. University.