GSB may reprimand president for abusing her position

Alicia Ebaugh

The Government of the Student Body Senate may consider an order to officially reprimand President Sophia Magill for publicly misusing and abusing her position to support a personal cause.

In an Oct. 7 letter to the editor published in the Daily, Magill wrote that she supports the Story County Tobacco Task Force’s goal to make all public places smoke free.

“As a member of the Story County Tobacco Task Force and a student government leader at Iowa State, I feel it is important for me to ask our legislators to support the right of all Iowans to breathe smoke-free air in public places and work sites,” Magill wrote.

This opinion is in direct conflict with a resolution the GSB Senate passed on Nov. 2, 2000, stating it was opposed to a smoking ban in Ames restaurants.

Kyle Perkins, College of Business senator and an author of the order, said he wants the issue to be discussed at Wednesday’s GSB meeting, but as of yet it is not on the official agenda. Perkins or other authors, off-campus Senators Abby LaCombe and Jacob Larson, may ask the senate to put the order on the agenda during the meeting’s open forum.

Perkins said that since GSB already has an opinion on this particular law, for Magill to go against that opinion sends a mixed signal to students.

“It’s OK if she writes her opinion, but she needs to distinguish her office from herself,” he said. “That’s why it’s a problem for me.”

The letter was meant to be strictly an opinion letter, Magill said — she had no intentions of trying to influence GSB policy.

“I wanted it to be from a student standpoint more than me as GSB president,” Magill said. “I didn’t actually sign the letter with my GSB title, either.”

Daily Editor in Chief Lucas Grundmeier said he was responsible for putting Magill’s official title as a signature at the bottom of the letter.

Grundmeier’s editorial change didn’t make a difference in considering reprimand, Perkins said.

“She still wrote that she was a student government leader,” he said. “The order is more of a thing to open discussion about the issue than anything else.”

At Wednesday’s meeting, the senate will also consider an order reprimanding off-campus Senator Matt Denner for the second time. Denner has had two unexcused absences from senate meetings and was late to another, said Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger.

Perkins, also an author of this order, said Denner has already been verbally reprimanded once. If the order is passed, Denner will not receive another warning if he misses or is late to more meetings.

“This says, ‘You need to continue to come to meetings or we will move for your removal,'” Perkins said.

On the agenda is discussion about a bill asking for financial assistance from the senate to help organize a GSB-sponsored crow hunt outside Ames’ city limits.

Ben Albright, off-campus senator, said he’s been hearing good things from students and the public but that he expects senators to raise some questions about the hunt at the meeting.

“There will probably be a few questions about the details, but I’ve got more of them ironed out now,” Albright said.

Also up for discussion is a bill asking for $1,500 to fund a student appreciation tailgate, which will be held Oct. 30 at the football game against Kansas.

The senate will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.