GSB recalls, allocates money to student groups at meeting

Alicia Ebaugh

The Government of the Student Body funding was officially recalled from the student group Leaders INspiring Connections — formerly Veishea Inc. — at GSB’s Wednesday senate meeting.

After fewer than 10 minutes of discussion, the senate passed a bill repossessing $12,000 that GSB originally allocated to Veishea Inc. for rentals during the week of the Veishea celebration. Because Veishea has been canceled for 2005, LINC will not need those funds, said Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger.

LINC will now need to apply for additional GSB funds through the special allocations process.

GSB also passed a bill that officially designated a recently discovered GSB bank account containing nearly $3,000 as solely for student appreciation use.

The senate passed a bill allocating the ISU Women’s Rugby Club $2,310 to buy post pads and tackle pads. Last year GSB allocated the club more than $3,000 to buy safety equipment, but the club didn’t receive it before the end of the fiscal year.

Engineering Senator Leia Guccione attempted to amend the bill so the club could purchase the same amount of safety gear that it did last year.

“It shows a lot of bad faith to not give the entire amount back to the club,” she said. “I always hated Indian givers when I was a kid.”

The senate decided not to amend the bill.

Guccione is a member of the rugby club.

Guccione also attempted to bring forward a bill that has been held twice by GSB’s finance committee, but the senate voted her attempt down. The bill would give the ISU Triathlon Club funding for four racing bikes so members without a bike could have access to one.

“We need to be fiscally responsible,” Finance Director Kristi Kramer said. “We still want to know if these bikes are necessary.”

Another bill was passed by the GSB senate allocating the Muslim Student Association $647.10 to buy food for fast-breaking celebration during their annual Ramadan Fast-A-Thon. Muhammad Safiullah, association member and coordinator of the Fast-A-Thon, said his group has also been attempting to get about $300 in funding from the ISU Multicultural Task Force, which would take care of half of the budget. However, he said, they would not find out until Nov. 1 if they received that funding.

In light of this information, the senate moved to amend the bill to state that, in case the association received other funds, the unused GSB funds would revert back to GSB accounts Nov. 16 instead of at the end of the fiscal year.

Also during the meeting, Frederiksen Court Senator Kyle Krause moved to postpone discussion on bills to next week regarding a new investment account that would hold GSB’s reserve budget and create about $3,000 a year in interest. He said he and others have more questions that can be answered at next week’s meeting in a program by Stephanie Fox, associate account controller.