Senate wants LINC to give back money

Alicia Ebaugh

The Government of the Student Body wants to take most of its funds back from the newly formed student group Leaders INspiring Connections — formerly Veishea Inc.

A bill, calling for the repossession of some of LINC’s funds by GSB, will be introduced at Wednesday night’s meeting.

Veishea Inc. was the student leadership group that organized Veishea activities. Now that the festival has been suspended for 2005, group members said they changed the group’s name because — even though the celebration is not occurring this year — it is still providing leadership opportunities for students.

When LINC changed its name, it also gained access to the Veishea Inc. bank accounts. Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger said $12,000 of GSB funds originally given to Veishea Inc. were allocated for rentals during the week of Veishea celebrations.

“Since they’re not having Veishea week events, we will be taking that money back,” Alliger said.

If the senate passes the bill, Alliger said, LINC will need to reapply for more funds through GSB’s special allocations process, which will happen at the end of the month. Alliger said much of the money LINC will reapply for would pay for printing, mailing and advertising.

“We have the option to give them up to $12,000 back,” he said. “They’re not guaranteed any of this money.”

Alliger said the leftover $1,740 from the former Veishea Inc. allocation will be transferred to LINC accounts.

Kyle Chesnut, LINC co-chairman, said he had no comment other than that he will probably attend next week’s GSB meeting, where the bill will be discussed and put up for a vote.

Other bills to be introduced at the meeting request funds for the Iowa State Women’s Rugby Club and the Muslim Student Association.

The rugby club requested more than $3,500 from GSB last year to pay for safety equipment, but its order was delayed, and GSB repossessed the money at the end of the fiscal year. The bill originally asked for the reallocation of the entire funding amount to the rugby club, but Alliger said the finance committee decided to reduce the allocation to $2,310 because club members could personally buy some of items.

The Muslim Student Association is requesting $647.10 to help fund their annual Fast-A-Thon.

The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday in room 2226 Veterinary Medicine.