Committee to sponsor open forum

Alicia Ebaugh and Samuel Berbanos

A public forum to discuss a possible name and mission for a combined college of education and family and consumer sciences will be held Monday.

The Planning Committee for the Combination of the Colleges of Education and Family and Consumer Sciences is sponsoring the open forum at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Mary Linnenbrink, senior in family and consumer sciences education, is a member of the Name and Mission Work Group, which is gathering input for the new college and making recommendations to the Planning Committee. She said the open forum will help her group to formulate its recommendation.

“We met a couple weeks ago and have done some work with faculty and staff ideas and incorporated some of them,” she said. “There will be more meetings before our final report. Even our report will just be our suggestion to the overall committee.”

An online poll allowing the public to vote on a name for the combined college can be accessed until Tuesday from the Planning Committee’s Web site at The considered names for the college are Human Sciences; Education, Family and Consumer Sciences; Education and Human Services and Human Developmental and Consumer Sciences.