Full task force will meet on Monday to discuss groups’ plans, progress

Alicia Ebaugh

The second meeting of the full Veishea task force is set for 9:30 a.m. Monday in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

Part of the agenda of this meeting of the 2004 Task Force on Assuring Successful Veishea and Other Student/Community Celebrations was set by working group one at its meeting Tuesday.

Working group one is in charge of studying the events and chronology of the Veishea riot and a review of previous Veisheas.

Pete Englin, dean of students, said each working group will give an update at the beginning of the meeting on its progress within its assigned area and have time for all task force members to give their feedback and ask questions.

“We’ll need some time for clarifying issues, as well,” he said. “The charges between [working groups] two and three were a little unclear at first.”

The task force executive committee will approve the agenda Thursday.

Michelle Bohan, co-chairwoman of working group one and task force member, said getting a timeline set for each group completing its collection and analysis of information should take high priority on the agenda of Monday’s meeting.

This is especially crucial for the findings of working group one, she said, because its work needs to be done for the other two working groups to have enough information to come to a conclusion.

“We need to know when these deadlines will be,” she said. “In some respects, we’re the horse and they’re the cart, and if the horses don’t move, the cart won’t go anywhere.”

Working group one is presenting a draft of an e-mail it would like to send out asking for firsthand accounts of what happened at the April 18 riot in Campustown. The e-mail will be sent out to all students and other groups that might have been affected or involved in the riot.The accounts are intended to be used to come to a definite conclusion about what happened April 18.

The other two working groups last met June 7. Working group two has been charged with examining the underlying causes of celebratory riots. Working group three has been charged with examining recommendations from other institutions that have experienced celebratory riots and disturbances.

All three working groups’ findings will be taken to the task force and incorporated into the task force’s final recommendations.

The task force is expected to submit its collective recommendation to ISU President Gregory Geoffroy by Nov. 30.