Veishea decision will be made next week

Alicia Ebaugh

A decision may be made on the future of Veishea as early as next week after a riotous end to this year’s festivities called into question whether the 82-year-old celebration should continue.

At a press conference Sunday, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy said a final decision may not be made until fall. But Monday, he told The Associated Press he would decide the festival’s fate by next week.

John McCarroll, director of university relations, said Geoffroy’s statement isn’t an inconsistency. Geoffroy would just like to make sure the public stays informed about his progress on a decision.

“Whether it’s a decision on the future of Veishea, or just to give people an idea of the direction he’s heading, he made it clear that he wants to make an announcement next week about Veishea,” McCarroll said.

Geoffroy was unavailable for comment.

McCarroll said Geoffroy has been talking with people within the Ames and ISU communities since the riot occurred early Sunday morning.

“[Geoffroy has] been hearing from people who absolutely say, ‘You ought to end it right now,’ but he’s also hearing from people who say Veishea is a cherished part of our history and that it needs to continue,” he said.

There has been no official committee formed for the decision, McCarroll said. Geoffroy, though, is consulting with student leaders, Ames Mayor Ted Tedesco and others about it.

McCarroll said nobody knows what Geoffroy’s decision will be or what he will say next week at his announcement.

“Let’s keep in mind this incident occurred two days ago,” he said.

“[Geoffroy] is trying to be thorough as well as keeping things moving. Police are still investigating the causes of the riot and what happened there, so a lot of these things are unknowns.”

McCarroll said reports from previous Veishea riots are also being considered in Geoffroy’s decision.

Nate Meier, Veishea general co-chairman and senior in agricultural business, said Geoffroy may have wanted to move up a decision because of the outpouring of support there has been for Veishea in the past few days.

“After seeing how big of an impact Veishea has on the community, I think [Geoffroy] has been willing to work with us to find solutions to make Veishea 2005 a success,” he said.