Students learn realities of living with brain injuries

Lindsay Brantner

Most people will never experience first-hand what it’s like to live with a brain injury.

Two organizations teamed up Monday to expose students, faculty and the public to the realities of living with a brain injury. Hands-on activities, videos and displays , set up in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union, were used to exemplify life with a brain injury.

The event, sponsored by Brain Education, Training and Awareness and Alliance for Disability Awareness, a student organization designed to promote awareness among the public about brain injuries.

“Traumatic head injuries occur every 15 seconds nationally,” said Duffie Lorr, founder of Brain Education, Training and Awareness.

This number includes both motorcyclists and bicyclists.

Lorr said traumatic brain injuries are most often caused when people do not wear helmets.

Other common traumatic head injuries occur as the result of concussions and simple accidents, such as falling off of a ladder.

“If you are diabetic there’s also a chance you could get [a brain injury],” Lorr said. “The brain lives on oxygen and sugar, and if the brain can’t get enough glucose then not enough oxygen can get into the brain, which causes damage.”

There are ways to prevent these traumatic head injuries. It is possible, Lorr said, to lessen the risk of a brain injury by wearing helmets and seat belts. Another way is by avoiding drugs.

Although the number of students with brain injuries does not appear to be high at individual universities, the number of injuries adds up when statistics from all universities nationally are included, Lorr said.

Todd Herriott, coordinator for disability resources, said 28 individuals on the ISU campus have an acquired brain injury.

Ashley Lerch, sophomore in genetics and president of Alliance for Disability Awareness, was on hand Monday to show interested participants six tests that help people experience what it’s like to have a brain injury.

The Alliance for Disability Awareness also featured a display booth that provided information about the club’s events throughout the year, including hosting speakers with disabilities, sponsoring a free sign language class and other workshops on disabilities, orchestrating a wheelchair obstacle course during Veishea week and promoting Disability Awareness Days.

The event also corresponded with National Brain Injury Awareness Month, National Disability Awareness Month and National Mental Awareness Month, which all occur in October.