IRHA votes to fund Friday flicks

Jamie Ridnour

The Inter-Residence Hall Association wrapped up the fall semester by approving funding for Free Friday Flicks, the Madrigal Dinner and a communication conference.

A bill to give extra money to Free Friday Flicks passed 19-1 with one abstention at Thursday’s meeting.

The program was allocated an additional $1,450 for the remainder of the school year due to unexpected increases in movie prices.

According to the bill, Free Friday Flicks was given $600 per movie for Fall 2001. The movie supplier, St. Louis-based Swank Motion Pictures, Inc., increased the average price is now $740 per movie.

UDA President Jeff Greiner said even though the amount of money needed was more than expected, “I believe it’s one of the single best programs that we have.”

IRHA is the sole financial supporter of the Free Friday Flicks program. Some members at the meeting suggested the program begin soliciting funds from other campus organizations to pay for its increases.

But Clayton Johanson, treasurer of Free Friday Flicks, said fund raising would be too much of a burden on the program’s leaders.

“We have no experience [fund raising],” he said. “It would add a lot more to our workload.”

Johanson encouraged IRHA members to think of the program as a subsidiary of IRHA, rather than as a separate institution.

IRHA President Paul Duncan supported Johanson.

“I think fund raising is a bad idea,” Duncan said.

“They have a tremendous workload as it is.”

The association also approved a bill to allocate $900 to the Madrigal Dinner. The event is an evening of music, entertainment and a full meal, hosted by the Iowa State Singers, slated for Jan. 18 and 19 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

IRHA members approved $750 in funding to also send students to a communications conference next semester.

Legislation can be viewed online at IRHA’s Web site,

IRHA will not meet again until next semester.