LETTER:Kann wrong; it’s hard being a Nebraska fan

Jake Brott

Tuesday, I had the misfortune of being one of the few people wearing Nebraska Cornhuskers attire on the day Michelle Kann’s article (“ISU, not Nebraska, has the real fans”). There are a few things I take issue with. First of all, as a Nebraska fan pretty much since birth, I’ve seen the view from both sides and can say being a Nebraska fan isn’t easy.

All the trash talk, jokes about the players being criminals and claims that I’m a bandwagon jumper are not easy.

Being a Cyclone fan is easy for me. I go to every game and cheer every good play. However, if Nebraska is playing, even against Iowa State, I bleed scarlet and cream. I cheered for Nebraska as it beat the Cyclones last year in the student section while having beer thrown at me. It missed and hit a Cyclone fan, but as you can see, being a Husker fan isn’t easy. If Iowa Staters are the real fans, how come they never sell out unless playing Nebraska? Why did they leave at halftime during the Kansas State game? Why couldn’t they recall the score? Is this a real fan?

And being a Nebraska fan is hardly boring, as Ms. Kann claims. If you’ve ever seen a game at Memorial Stadium with over 70,000 people cheering at once, you’d know why being a Nebraska fan is something special. Case in point – Nebraska has the real fans, whether you admit it or not.

Jake Brott


Journalism and mass communication