IRHA will vote on storage policy

Amber Billings

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will vote tonight on a proposed point system for the Department of Residence’s new storage policy.

If approved by the department, the resolution will take effect in next year’s Terms and Conditions.

Union Drive Association Vice President Jeff Greiner, co-author of the bill, said he and storage policy committee members have interviewed hall directors, resident assistants and students on how they feel about the policy. He said he feels the point system is the best way to resolve residents’ complaints.

“The basic idea is that it is a suggestion from IRHA to the Department of Residence about how to fix the storage situation,” he said. “Obviously some people have a problem with the storage situation and IRHA is picking the best idea we came up with to alleviate the situation.”

Jonathon Weaver, Towers Residence Association president, also is proposing a bill to increase room and board rates to provide juice at breakfast, lunch and dinner at all residence hall dining centers. He said the increase will be affordable for students.

“We have the ability to have juice at every meal,” he said. “It will only cost 12.8 cents more for every meal.”

Two other bills will also be introduced at the meeting. One concerns amending IRHA by-laws to broaden questioning of first-read bills, and the other proposes an amendment to the IRHA constitution that clears up redundancies.

The meeting will be at 7 tonight in the Larch Conference Room in Maple-Willow-Larch.