Perfection or mediocrity

Brian Stillman

There has been enough talk about women on campus looking like whores. The question here is when did young America turn into a group of faceless conformists? The point of college and teenage life is to discover yourself and break out of your shell. While some young people try to do their own thing, most fall into the same faceless mass that takes all its inspiration from magazines such as Teen People and Sixteen. Believe it or not, all people are not created equal. If we were all supposed to look good we would have been born with our own make-up artists and hair designers. But we were all born to be the best person we could be. No matter how much liposuction you get or how big you inflate your boobs, you are still the same person. You might think that you feel better about yourself and the way you look, but deep down inside you know that it isn’t really you. Although most people think that this cultural phenomenon is limited to only women, the truth is men are just as bad. They may not go to some of the extremes of their female counterparts, but they definitely want to be noticed. They swing back and forth on every new trend in a hope to look cool and spend countless hours in the gym to achieve the perfect body. While everyone is entered into this competition to be the best what they failed to notice was that every other person around them is doing and wearing the exact same thing. Thus creating an environment where perfection is normal. There are no winners to this game, only losers. It is not a person’s fault if they can’t afford to keep up with the times or simply can’t achieve the perfect body. But because everyone is struggling to get to the top, we look down on those that can’t or won’t keep up. You might meet the most interesting person on the face of the earth, or someone who would be your lifelong soulmate, and simply shun them off because in your eyes they don’t meet the social norm. Yet even as you read this you will probably not give this idea a second thought before flipping your television to your favorite daytime drama to see what sizzling topic develops this week. Without even knowing it you will have bought right back into everything that is wrong with young America today. No matter where you turn there will be constant reminders of what media has made you believe what everyone needs to be like. In your struggle to be an individual you have forced yourself into mediocrity, and until people begin to realize this is true we will be stuck in a time when only perfection is accepted and individuality is a downfall.