Letter to the editor: Living smoke-free

Blaine Moyle

It’s a shame that in a race to look smart and be funny with the use of sarcasm some students don’t take the time to actually read the Daily. Case in point Seth Minnihan on Sept. 6. He first points out that smoking is a problem, but we should move onto bigger problems such as people being killed by drunk-drivers, and last I checked driving drunk was against the law. Next he missed the point of my letter by saying eating of meat leads to heart attacks and raises insurance prices, and yet people have health problems every day but costs don’t increase at such a rate. His point wraps up saying that “arguing the lack of innocence in those bystanders who chose to expose themselves to secondhand smoke.” Now, I’m aware of how harmful it is, so how is it my fault that when I eat at a restaurant in the non-smoking section I still breath in smoke? The little walls at these establishments don’t keep out smoke. I should be allowed to have my meal at a place of my choosing and not have to die because of it. I have a right to life, which is far more important than anyone’s choice to smoke. I never meant bars should receive the ban. Anyone that wants to poison their liver is free to kill their lungs, too. The restaurants have had its chance to accommodate non-smokers; now it’s our turn to strike back for our rights to live through the government and democracy. Blaine Moyle

