Letter to the editor: Freedom of choice or freedom not to die?

Blaine Moyle

After reading, Jake Pierson’s letter on August 30, I had to ask myself a question: “What should I do now?” Our choices are ever so limited thanks to big government. Big government creeping in with seat belt laws and helmet laws because if someone chooses to splatter themselves all over the road that is their right. The ban on smoking isn’t for personal safety but that of nonsmokers. Because other people don’t want to breath in smoke and end their life early, this ban is being proposed. This ban is akin to laws, against murder or assault, somebody violating another persons civil rights. If freedom of choice is the most important thing, and people that don’t smoke are being killed by cancer caused by second-hand smoke, where is the choice for these dead people? Using his logic, one could shoot another person because they didn’t like them and say it was their choice. The most interesting thing about his letter is where he states restaurants should ban smoking, and yet, it’s the individual person’s choice if they should smoke or not. Now I ask, how is that any different? In a society where we value democracy and majority rule, Pierson concedes the majority want smoke free restaurants. Sounds like the people are “choosing” to not have to eat in smoky environments. His final appeal comes in the form of waving the Constitution around, equating freedom of speech to freedom of choice, but even speech is limited. It’s all well and good until it infringes on someone else’s well being. I encourage everyone to support your liberties and not have them trampled. I also encourage Mr. Pierson to put down his copy of “1984.” Blaine Moyle

