Five ISU student interns get ‘big league’ experience in Des Moines

Matt Voss

Some Iowa State students may soon get called up to the big leagues — but not because of a diving catch in right field.

Iowa’s Pacific Coast League AAA baseball franchise, the Iowa Cubs, employs five ISU students as interns, said Nick Willey, group sales coordinator for the team.

The Iowa Cubs has seven interns, five of whom are ISU students, Willey said. He said there were six ISU students, but one has been hired as a full-time employee.

Of the remaining five interns, two work in the front office and three work on the grounds crew, he said.

Willey said the students who work in the front office help out with ticket sales, marketing, day-to-day operations, staffing the press box and promotions.

He said students employed in the main office are usually sports management or marketing majors. He said the interns get “lots of experience, and they learn how much work is involved in preparing for a home game.”

Willey said the fact that he is an alumnus of ISU comes into play when he selects the three or four interns from 75-80 applicants.

“I graduated in 1991 from Iowa State with a degree in sports management, so I have a little bias when in comes to hiring the interns,” Willey said.

ISU students are also involved in maintaining the grounds around Sec Taylor Stadium.

Luke Yoder, head groundskeeper, says all three of his interns are ISU students. He says his interns usually are horticulture students.

Two of the interns are responsible for maintaining the field and one maintains the grounds around the stadium, he said.

“I love to get ISU students, especially from the horticulture department,” Yoder said. He said he feels he can depend on ISU students for more. He also said ISU students regard their internships as learning opportunities rather than just jobs.

Brent Conkel, senior in sports management, is one of the interns employed by the Iowa Cubs. He said he does a wide variety of things for the team.

Conkel said his duties include helping with on-field promotions during the game, as well as making general preparations before games and helping out wherever he is needed around the office.

Conkel said working with the Cubs has been “a great experience.” He said the job has helped him determine whether he chose the right career path.

Conkel added that he now knows that he wants to continue working in baseball.