Letter from the editor: My New Year’s resolutions for the Iowa State Daily

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

Alex Connor is the editor in chief of the Iowa State Daily for the fall 2018, spring 2019 academic year.

Alex Connor

If you’re like me, you rang in 2019 not giving much thought to resolutions for the new year or reflections on the one in the rearview — at least, at a personal level.

In my role as the editor-in-chief of the Iowa State Daily, I have a whole slew of new aspirations I’d like to see to fruition before saying goodbye to the organization that I have dedicated my entire college career to.

It’s bittersweet knowing that in just five months there’ll be someone new taking over. I’ll join the ranks of thousands of alumni who, too, worked tirelessly for the Iowa State Daily during the course of its 128-year history.

But my time isn’t over. And, I still have five months.

So as we all adjust to 2019 and whatever it may have to offer, here’s what I hope the Daily can offer you:

Increased media literacy and newsroom transparency

There’s a reason journalists have to get an education to work in the media industry field, what we do is complex. Knowing this, we shouldn’t expect you, our readers, to have the immediate knowledge of why and how we operate the way that we do.

What I’m writing to you is a letter from the editor. This is different than a letter to the editor, which is different from an editorial or a column. As journalists, we understand the value of words and the importance of information. This is why I am making it a priority of both myself and the newsroom to better relate to the community what we do and why we do it.

At a personal level, I am making it a goal of mine to write one column per week on a topic relating to media literacy. It could be related to current events, or an issue facing the industry as a whole. For column suggestions, questions or comments, my inbox is always open at [email protected].

At an organizational level, the Iowa State Daily will aim to be more transparent about our stories through reporter’s notebooks. If you’re curious about why we used quotes from a source, where we pulled together our information or why we’re even doing the story in general, we want to talk to you about it.

Controversial story or not, we’ll make it a priority to be more open about our storytelling process and why the stories that matter to us should also matter to you.


Last semester, the Iowa State Daily launched #AskMeAmes through Hearken, a consulting service and platform that aims to generate “deep audience engagement that builds trust and leads to original, high-performing journalism.”

So what does this look like? Essentially, it’s public-powered journalism. Starting on a weekly basis, we hope to answer at least one question that you have as a community member and reader.

Whether you’d like to know more about the Student Government elections, a recent city council decision or the cheapest place to eat in Campustown, we’ll aim to answer your specific questions about life in Ames.

To ask a question and to learn more, visit: http://www.iowastatedaily.com/askmeames/.

Curated engagement

The Iowa State Daily wants to get to know you, our readers, more. In 2019, we’ll commit more of our resources to understand who you are, what you like and what you don’t like.

Through the use of analytics, we can know where you’re reading, when you’re reading and for how long, and how often, you’re reading our content. We can also track what stories are successful and which ones could use a bit more traction.

This semester, the Iowa State Daily will make it a priority to delivering you our content through a more curated experience through the use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the Daily Dose, our website, app and print product.

No, we’re not going to start writing clickbait-y headlines like, “You won’t believe this” but we’ll focus our efforts on what draws you into our content in the first place, as well as what makes you stay on the page — or leave.

We also hope to engage with you in new and innovative ways like #AskMeAmes, or our live-storytelling event, Daily Dialogue.

Personal resolutions

Over the course of my four years at the Iowa State Daily, I’ve been provided a lot of wonderful opportunities, including trips to conferences, interviews with celebrities and politicians alike, as well as the proper educational footing to help land me an internship at newsrooms like The Cedar Rapids Gazette and USA TODAY.

But as I’ve recognized during my tenure as editor in chief, this position is in no way about me and my journey, but rather the one that I can provide for my staff and for my community.

This semester, I will continue to focus on building the future leaders of the Iowa State Daily and ensuring that they are reaching their fullest potentials. I am blessed to work with so many inspiring, motivated and truth-seeking people.

My belief is that the better our staff, the better the journalism, the better the community.

Thank you for reading and happy 2019.

— Alex Connor, editor in chief