Credit where credit is due
April 29, 1997
My teammates on the Women’s Soccer team and I were a little disgruntled to find that our victory over Iowa wasn’t mentioned in the Daily’s Sports section the week after our beloved Veishea festivities. It disturbs me to know that the football team’s inter-squad scrimmage covered the entire sports section and our game against our in-state rival didn’t even get an inch of ink! I’m not trying to take anything away from our football team because they are a major part of our athletic program, but there are other sports teams here at ISU that have made vast improvements and deserve the attention of the university and the coverage of the Daily.
We have played a handful of top twenty teams and have played them down to the wire. We are also on our longest winning streak, having won 5 of our last 7 games and one of the other two resulting in a tie. We only desire a little credit where credit is most definitely due. With maybe a little support from the Daily, we could get more support from the rest of the university during our upcoming fall season which we forecast to be a strong one.
Hayley Mercer