Letter: Expanding happiness


Letter writer Ty Turner asks to make America whole again by “overcoming the negative with good.”

Ty Turner

We live in a world that glorifies negativity.

From infancy, it seems that poor behavior triggers more significant reactions than positive behavior. As a child, I was scolded for not cleaning my room, but I received virtually no response when I did clean it. No one wants to hear about the service done at our local food bank, but everyone wants to hear about the high-speed chase across the country. Why is this so? Perhaps, when the media’s foci are on irreverence and unrest rather than simple acts of kindness, we the people tend to normalize and then encourage bad behavior to attain the attentions we crave.

Since we cannot leave this “negative” world, how can we conquer the poor influences in our lives and live positively — regardless of the circumstances around us? Consider the Christian apostle Paul who dictated, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good,” (Holy Bible, KJV, Romans 12:21). I am sure secular and religious individuals alike can enjoy this phrase. Evil — it is true — runs rampant in the world. However, so does good. How, then, can we use good to overcome evil?

To answer the above question, consider the quote, “Whatever you focus on expands.” (*) Note that if we fixate on our ailments, injustice and anger, we produce more of it. Interestingly, and most importantly, as we consider our talents, precious relationships and other blessings, they, too, expand. Now, I ask, “What do you want to expand in your life?” With the exception of the few, I’ll make the assumption that we all want greater positivity: “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” (US 1776). If my assumption is correct, we should be emphasizing our fortune, opportunities and prosperity, even when they appear small or insignificant. In other words, live in the constant and conscious state of gratitude.

Please do not misunderstand: I am not saying we should ignore that evil exists and only concentrate on the good! As Edmund Burke wisely warned, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” To overcome evil is not to ignore it but to nullify and supplant it with good. It is just as disadvantageous to our attitude, success and communities to live in a blissful fantasy of false positivity as it is to live in the murky lies of induced negativity. To disregard the reality of evil is to support it. Evil must be eliminated and, most importantly, interchanged with good; else it simply returns worse than it was before.

As light conquers darkness, an emphasis on good overshadows evil. After you have overcome darkness in your life, I invite you to use your virtuous attributes to be a beacon for others. Perhaps, we should also quit searching for negativity and awaken our attentions to the good around us.

Russell Nelson, a current worldwide spiritual leader, was quoted saying, “…the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” The opposite is also true. My friends, where is your focus? As I shared, your focus determines your joy or misery. I know that regardless of our circumstances, the world can be full of joy and our pursuit of happiness can be satisfied if we enlist our focus to be in the correct place.

Although our world seems to have fallen from grace, we do not have to.

Will you help me make America whole again by overcoming the negative with good?


Ty Turner

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*Unfortunately, this quote has been said by many, so I was unable to accurately identify the original author.

Ty Turner is a senior in construction engineering.