Friday is the last day to add or drop classes
October 24, 2018
The last chance for students to add/drop a class is Friday. Classes after Friday may only be dropped for extenuating circumstances, classes otherwise dropped will go on the student’s permanent record and count as a drop credit.
Students are limited to the number of drops they have throughout their academic career. Starting freshman year students are given a total of five drops, and transfer students are given four, according to the registrars website.
These drops are only taken into account from classes dropped after the fifth day each semester.
In order to add/drop a class after the first week of classes students must get an add/drop slip from their adviser. Classes added/dropped before the first week of classes is over may be done online at AccessPlus.
When adding a class students must fill the slip out with the course, section they wish to switch to and the amount of credits. Students both adding/dropping classes must both then get the slip signed by their professors before taking it to the registrar’s office.
One thing to remember before turning in the add/drop slip is that the form must have a total of three signatures at the bottom: the student’s signature, as well as a signature showing approval from both the adviser and the professor.
Add/drop slips must be turned into the office of the registrar. They can be found at 214 Enrollment Services Center. Forms must be turned in by Friday at 5 p.m.
According to the registrar’s website, when dropping a class it’s important for students to make sure they have enough credits to remain of full time status. Going from full time to part time can affect scholarships as well as financial aid.
Veterans making schedule changes could face problems with military education benefits and are recommended to speak with a V.A. certified official when considering a schedule change.
Once students receive the add/drop slip and approval from their adviser they must then completely filled out the form with student information as well as the course, section and the amount of credits for dropping a class.